Step 1:
Add to Cart

Please select the products and quantities, then click "Add to Cart".

Step 2:
Japanese to English

Please select “English” on the upper right in the cart page so that you will enter to the export mode.

Step 3:
Order Contents

Please read notes and check our policy carefully.

check out

Step 4:

Please click "Check out" botton after you agreed our policy completely.

Step 5:
Billing Address

English is the only language in this mode. French, Spanish, German, Chinese or even Japanese and any other languages are not acceptable. Please fill the required fields carefully in English. In particular please make sure that your email address is correct.

Step 6:
Payment Method

Please choice PayPal or Bank wire as your payment method then click "Next". If the total amount is under 50000JPY, you cannot find any options as your payment method because we have a 50000JPY order minimum.

Step 7:
Confirm order contents

If there are no mistakes, please click "Make an order".

Step 8:
Thank you for your order

When order entry is complete, a screen similar to the one on the left will appear.

Step 9: Order Confirmation Email

You will get the automatic transmission email like below in a few minutes.
If you couldn't receive this email, please contact to us.







〒546-0034 大阪市東住吉区長居公園1-23
TEL : 06-6697-6262 FAX : 06-6697-6306
E-mail :fes2023[at]




営業日 定休日


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International Shipping Fee from Kyoei Osaka via DHL

Rough Estimate of Shipping Fee from Kyoei Osaka via DHL

We will send you the payment request with the DHL fee that is most reasonable once you placed the order.
You might not have the remotest idea how much the shipping fee would be if you are out of Japan and consider the purchasing on us in the first time.
Here is a reference for you. The fee for "BOX4" of DHL genuine looks comparatively good value for the DHL fee.

We can put the items in the box4 as below!

1pc of 7x50 binos 8 pcs of NAV-SW(1.1/4")
and a NAV-HW(2")
2pcs of large XW(2") and a XW(1.1/4") over dozen of EPs and some corrector lens

DHL has many kinds of boxes but...

Changing the packing box to one size larger, "BOX5" will double or triple the shipping cost from box4.
Although your saving by using one size smaller, "BOX3" is little or almost gone.
"BOX2" can save 20- 40% but it is too small for many items to be packed into in safety.
This is why we recommend BOX4.
(Certainly, if it fits in the smaller "box2", we will use that and apply the lowest shipping cost.)

Box Type Dimension/Weight ( =inch/lb) Example of shipping fee as of June 2023
To Berlin, Germany To Huston, USA
case 1: envelope270x350x10mm/0.5kg(10.6x13.7x0.4in/1.1lb)JPY 6,000JPY 9,000
box2 180x330x100mm/1.5kg(7.1x13.0x3.9in/3.3lb)JPY 7,000 JPY 9,000
box3320x330x100mm/2.5kg(12.6x13.0x3.9in/5.5lb)JPY 10,000 JPY 12,000
box4320x330x180 mm/4kg(12.6x13.0x7.0in/8.8lb)JPY 10,000 JPY 12,000
box5320x330x340mm/7.5kg(12.6x13.0x13.4in/16.5lb)JPY 25,000 JPY 23,000
box6350x330x360mm/10.5kg(13.8x13.0x14.2in/23.1lb)JPY 42,000 JPY 34,000

We recommend you purchase the large items such as the main unit of telescopes in your area instead of on us if you can.

The shipping fee for the large cargo internationally is not cheap. There is a possibility that you meet a trouble in the long transit. We recommend you purchasing them at your area if it is possoble for you.
It might be so hard for you to obtain a certain item in your area. If you have no choice but to purchase it on us, please know the disadvantages enough and agree our policy to go ahead. ---> Our Policy /FAQ

The rough estimate of DHL shipping fee from Kyoei Osaka to you as of June 1, 2023
Box Type 4kg in
Packing Boxes Example of
sample 1 sample 2 sample 3 sample 4 sample 5
Dimension 320x330x180 mm/4kg 940x270x290mm
( =inch/lb) (12.6x13x7 in/8.8lb) (37x10.6x11.4 in/15.4lb) (20.9x15.3x17.7 in/22lb) (42.5x12.6x13.8 in/22lb) (32.3x15x16.5 in/22lb) (43.3x19.6x21.6 in/44lb)
Contents eg. Some eyepieces eg.100mm Refractor eg. 82mm Binoculars eg. 120mm Refractor eg. 200mm Cassegrain eg. 250mm Newtonian
Time Zone Country City SD103SIIの写真 ハイランダーの写真 SD115SII鏡筒の写真 RASA8 の写真 Quattro 250Pの写真
+12 NewZealand Auckland JPY 9,000 JPY 35,000 JPY 40,000 JPY 48,000 JPY 52,000 JPY 100,000
+10 Australia Brisbane JPY 9,000 JPY 35,000 JPY 40,000 JPY 48,000 JPY 52,000 JPY 100,000
+9 Japan Osaka
+9 Korea Seoul JPY 7,000 JPY 21,000 JPY 24,000 JPY 28,000 JPY 30,000 JPY 55,000
+8 China Shanghai JPY 8,000 JPY 22,000 JPY 25,000 JPY 30,000 JPY 32,000 JPY 56,000
+8 Taiwan Taipei JPY 7,000 JPY 21,000 JPY 24,000 JPY 28,000 JPY 30,000 JPY 55,000
+8 Singapore Singapore JPY 8,000 JPY 23,000 JPY 26,000 JPY 32,000 JPY 34,000 JPY 60,000
+7 Thailand bangkok JPY 8,000 JPY 23,000 JPY 26,000 JPY 32,000 JPY 34,000 JPY 60,000
+6 India Mumbai JPY 9,000 JPY 31,000 JPY 35,000 JPY 42,000 JPY 45,000 JPY 85,000
+4 UAE Dubai JPY 16,000 JPY 69,000 JPY 84,000 JPY 101,000 JPY 107,000 JPY 197,000
+2 Israel Jerusalem JPY 16,000 JPY 69,000 JPY 84,000 JPY 101,000 JPY 107,000 JPY 197,000
+2 SouthAfrica CapeTown JPY 17,000 JPY 72,000 JPY 86,000 JPY 104,000 JPY 111,000 JPY 203,000
+1 Sweden Stockholm JPY 10,000 JPY 46,000 JPY 50,000 JPY 61,000 JPY 65,000 JPY 127,000
+1 France Paris JPY 10,000 JPY 46,000 JPY 50,000 JPY 61,000 JPY 65,000 JPY 127,000
GMT Portugal Lisbon JPY 10,000 JPY 46,000 JPY 50,000 JPY 61,000 JPY 65,000 JPY 127,000
-3 Brazil Salvador JPY 17,000 JPY 72,000 JPY 86,000 JPY 104,000 JPY 111,000 JPY 203,000
-5 USA NewYork JPY 9,000 JPY 34,000 JPY 38,000 JPY 46,000 JPY 49,000 JPY 107,000
-6 USA KansasCity JPY 12,000 JPY 37,000 JPY 42,000 JPY 49,000 JPY 51,000 JPY 107,000
-7 USA Denver JPY 12,000 JPY 37,000 JPY 42,000 JPY 49,000 JPY 51,000 JPY 112,000
-8 Canada Vancouver JPY 9,000 JPY 34,000 JPY 38,000 JPY 46,000 JPY 49,000 JPY 107,000
-10 USA Honolulu JPY 9,000 JPY 34,000 JPY 38,000 JPY 46,000 JPY 49,000 JPY 107,000

Note: This estimate is as of June 1, 2023. The DHL fee will vary depending on the fuel surchage and EUR/JPY rate day by day.

第22回 星をもとめて

みんなで楽しむ星のおまつり「第19回 星をもとめて」

開催日時:2022.9.18(日) 13:00 - 9.19(祝) 11:00
 るり渓温泉 ポテポテパーク一帯

「第22回 星をもとめて」のご案内





講師:KYOEIスタッフ 村上将之(星のソムリエ)

入場無料 駐車場無料 終夜開催
開催日時 2022年9月18日(日)午後1時スタート ~ 9月19日(祝)午前11時閉会 ※雨天の場合も開催します。
会場 京都府南丹市園部町大川内広谷1-8 るり渓温泉ポテポテパーク一帯
交通のご案内 【大阪方面より(所要時間:約50分)】
  • 天体観望会 … 太陽観望会(昼)、フリー観望会(夜)、天体写真撮影会
  • 天文グッズ販売・配布 … 協賛店ブース、オークション、大抽選会
  • コンサート … 箕面ウインド・オーケストラ(昼)、ハープ演奏 牧野将典(夜)
  • ファミリー向けイベント … 望遠鏡工作教室、銀河鉄道(ミニ列車)、ペットボトルロケット、模擬店
  • 講演会等 … 学生スタッフ・アマチュア天文家による天文講演会

  • その他、どなたにでもお楽しみいただけるイベントが盛りだくさん!
    ■主催: 「星をもとめて」実行委員会
    ■後援: 南丹市 / 南丹市教育委員会 / 京都府教育委員会 / 大阪府教育委員会 / 日本天文同好会
    ■協力: 園部町振興公社 / るり渓温泉 / 箕面市ウインド・オーケストラ / 牧野将典(アコーステックハープ奏者)
    ■協賛: 宇治天体精機 / オルビィス(株) / 協栄産業(株) / 国際光器 / 誠文堂新光社・天文ガイド編集部 / 外山電子 / (株)高橋製作所 / テレスコープセンターアイベル(※出店なし) / ビノテクノ / 星見屋 / ユニテック(株) / ユーシートレード


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    (JavaScript Cookieを使用します)

    FAQ about International Orders

    1. Do you ship the products to overseas?

    Yes, we can ship our original products and most of the products we deal to most countries. But we do not ship the Takahashi products to the US.

    2. How do I place the order?

    You could place the order through our shopping cart system in international mode. Please add the item(s) you prefer to the cart and select international mode.

    3. What time is your business hours?

    Our store is open from 10:00AM to 5:00PM (JST) on Monday through Friday, except New Year Holiday and summer holydays, but closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

    4. Is international order free shipping charge?

    No, the international order is not free shipping charge. The subtotal amount on the shopping cart haven't included the shipping charge yet. We will useWe will request you a payment for TOTAL amount that includes shipping fee in a few days after you placed the order on the shopping cart. DHL for oversea shipment. The rough estimate of the DHL fee can be found here. Please know that we will apply the transit insurance by DHL essencially if the total price of your order will be over 400,000JPY.

    5. Is there the lowest ordering price?

    Yes, the lowest ordering price of products for all international customers is JYen50,000 per order. We don't accept your order once the total amount of the products price is under JPY50,000.
    If you and we reach an agreement for some reasons such as the addtional order for the previous orders, we can accept your order whose amount is less than JYen50,000, but we will make a claim of the difference between JYen50,000 and the amount of your purchasing price of products that is as The Handling Charge.

    6. When do I have to pay the amount?

    You should make the payment within 3 days after receiving our email showing the total amount including the cost for the products and all other additional charges.

    7. Should I pay the Japanese consumption tax?

    No, the international orders are Tax Free either at retail store or on website. For your reference, the current Consumption Tax is 10% of the price of the products in Japan.

    8. Do I have to pay any customs clearance fee or duties in my country?

    Yes, please note that you are responsible for any taxes, duties or processing fees in your country associated with your shipment(s). Please know that we can't mention regarding a law and an ordinance in your country so you should look over them to determine your purchasing by yourself. Even if your items have no import duty, there is a possibility that our carrier DHL will charge you some customs-related administrative fees. For example, US customers might be charged around $50 USD or more in customs-related administrative fees if your items are recongized as over $2500 USD valued in the US Customs even though there is no actual import duty for telescopes and binoculars imported into the US. Actually a recent customer was charged around $50 USD in customs-related administrative fees when he imported binoculars (price:JPY603,000) to the US. Of note, the customs-related administrative fees may vary by country. If these charges are of concern to you, we suggest you contact DHL before placing your order to find out what their customs-related administrative fees might be (in addition to any actual import duty charges your country might impose). If you do decide to purchase from us, you should plan to remit payment for the fee to DHL immediately or your items will not be delivered to you.

    9. How do you ship the order?

    We will ship your items via DHL. We do not use any other services such as FedEx, UPS, EMS and TNT.

    10. Can I get the tracking number?

    Yes, we will send you the shipping information including the tracking number as soon as we ship your items to you.

    11. How can I pay?

    We will accept PayPal or Bank Wire Transfer only. PayPal will be useful with using credit cards. Bank Wire such as TransferWise would reqire cheap fee with good exchange rate. We cannot accept any other payment method, e.g. bank check, personal check, etc.

    12. How do I pay via PayPal?
    You need to own the account of PayPal as a precondition. The PayPal account you can use is just one you own. The shipping address should agree with what is registered on your PayPal account to let the products be covered with the insurance. Please let us know if you prefer to use PayPal, we will send you a request of PayPal payment.

    13. How do I pay via Bank Wire Transfer?
    Please select the "OUR"(Applicant) instruction in the SWIFT instructions. The "OUR" instruction means that you will pay all the transfer charges, includes the fee of the Japan's bank. Then we will receive all your payment. If you can select only "SHA"(Share) instead of "OUR", that is, you can pay the bank fee of only your country, please add JYen1500 on your invoice price because it will cost us JYen1500 as "the Charge of Inward Remittances". If the bank in your country is not based on "SWIFT", please ask your bank and select the local payment method which has the same feature.

    14. Can I place a special order?

    Yes, we welcome the special order of the product that is not in our stock. However we will make a claim 20% deposit of the price of the product. Please note that the deposit would not be refunded once you prefer to cancel the order later. The balance should be settled after we inform you that the product is ready to ship.

    15. How long does it take to ship the order?
    We will ship your order in 3-5 business days after your payment is completed. You could receive our shipping schedule if the shipment delayed.

    16. How should I do if I received the products damaged?

    We will pack the products carefully, and the shipment will be covered by the insurance. If the ordered products reached to you in a damaged condition, please contact to DHL in your area immediately, then contact us by the email as soon as possible. This procedure is necessary for you to be applied to the insurance.

    17. How should I do if the wrong products reached?

    In the case that you received the wrong products or the defective one, please contact us by an email without delay. We will make a sincere effort to solve the problem. However please agree that there are some possibilities you see the slight scratches and the dusts on the products that are recognized as what won't affect bad influence to use.
    Please know that you might see your telescopes appear some debris inside of the lens ellements but we recognize such items as the quality products because all items are passed the inspection by the manufacturer. The international customers may meet the debris much than domestic customers because some debris can move from the hidden side such as edge of cell due to hard vibration or changes in atomospheric pressure during international transit. It is unfortunate but please accept the unavoidable issues. Also each products may have slightly difference in cosmetic condition such as metal's polish or leather/rubber's texture. We will recognize such items as the quality products.
    In the case you felt some doubt regarding the accuracy or the collimation of the products, requiring the cleaning or unfortunately you met some initial failures, we will welcome rechecking or cleaning it if you send it back to us with paying the shipping fees in your expense.

    18. How should I do if I need repair or any other customer services?

    You have to send the items to us in your expense once you need repair, recall or other customer services. Please know that the items we sell won't be supported by any dealers and distributors in your country. The international shipping fee won't be very cheap. We would like to suggest that you should consider regarding such disadvantages in the international shopping before you place the order to us.

    19. Can I return the products to you?

    Yes, you could send back the products to us under YOUR expense within SEVEN DAYS after receiving products UNLESS the products used, with or without the defects. However shipping cost for sending back to Japan should be paid by the customers, might be not reasonable as in the domestic dealing. We would like to suggest that you should consider regarding the disadvantage of the international dealing beforehand enough.

    20. I am just out of Japan now. Can I order without paying Japan's tax and specify my home or office in Japan as the shipping address?
    No, this purchasing will be recognized as a domestic dealing because the last address is in Japan. So you have to pay the consumption tax whether the address is yours, your friend's or the hotel's. If you agree this condition, please order the items in the domestic mode of our shopping cart system. We are sorry, we see that the cards from overseas are sometimes not accepted smoothly on our system because this settlement system is designed for the domestic, we think.

    --- About the Tax-free shopping at our retail store ----

    21. I am going to visit Japan. Can I purchase at your physical retail store without paying Japan's consumption tax?

    Yes, we are the Tax-free store approved by Japan Tax Office. You can purchase products at our retail store without paying the consumption tax through the correct procedure of Tax-free.

    22. How would my purchasing be applied as the Tax-free?

    You have to be a temporary visitor to Japan as the precondition. It is not eligible if you have been staying in Japan more than six months or working in Japan. Please refer to the site of "The Japan Tax-Free", then bring our store your passport with you. An acceptable passport is not a copy or the other person's, but only an actual yours.

    23. Can you hold the item for me?
    Yes. We can hold the " in stock" items for you if your visiting schedule is within 2 weeks. However please know that we cannot accept the items reservation if you request it earlier than 2weeks ago than your visiting date. For your information we hold the items within a week for the domestic customers but hold them 2 weeks for the international customers with considering your traveling. Please understand that this is our best to balance sustaining our sales opportunity and the customer service for you.
    We cannot transfer any items to another branch such as our Tokyo store.

    24. How can I pay?
    The payment methods at our retail store are Cash and Cards. We welcome JPY only. We are sorry we cannot accept USD or any other currencies. We honor the Credit Cards including VISA, Mastercard, Amex, Diners, JCB, Discover and UnionPay.

    25. I am just in Japan but have no time to stop by your shop. Could you apply my order the Tax-free by the Cash on Delivery to my Hotel in Japan?
    No, the Cash on Delivery is not allowed as the method of the Tax-free shopping. Please stop by our store because we have to check your actual passport directly if you would prefer the order applied the Tax-free.

    26. How should I do if I need repair service?

    You have to send the items to us in your expense once you need repairing or other customer services. Please know that items we sell won't be supported by any dealers and distributors in your country. The international shipping fee won't be very cheap. We would like to suggest that you should consider regarding such disadvantages for the international shopping

    More details of the Tax-free shopping at our retail store can be found here.

    Can I ask other questions to you?

    Yes, please do not hesitate to ask us by email if you have any questions. Thank you !

    For International customers, Click here to send email in English

    ー For the international customers considering to visit our shop in Osaka.ー
    We will give priority to the customers with reservations. If you have any questions regarding technical issues, please contact us via email beforehand or we cannot give you the suitable answers. Please let us know the following issues via email in advance if you consider purchasing on our Osaka shop.

    Phone number:
    The items you will purchase:
    The visiting date:

    We can hold the “in stock” items for 2 weeks. Please contact us again if you couldn’t see any reply from us for a week after you sent an email

    for all customers visiting our physical store in Osaka

    for international shipping
    We accept PayPal for international shipping! Please send us an email.

    for domestic shipping in Japan
    We accept Visa and MasterCard in our webshop. Please add the items into your shopping cart.

    We are the Tax-Free store

    We are the Tax-Free store approved by Japan Tax Office.
    You can purchase the products in our stores without paying Japanese Consumption Tax if you show us your passport and you are identified as non-resident in Japan. For your reference, the current Consumption Tax is 10% of the price of products in Japan.


    我们已通过日本税务局的免税商店。 如果你告诉我们,你的护照和你认定为非居住在日本,你可以购买的产品在我们的商店无需支付日本消费税。供大家参考,当前消费税是对产品在日本的售价为10%.

    우리는 일본 국세청의 승인을 면세 상점입니다. 당신이 우리에게 여권을 제시하고 일본에서 비거주자로 확인하는 경우에는 일본의 소비세를 지불하지 않고 매장에서 제품을 구입할 수 있습니다. 참고로, 현재 소비세는 일본 제품의 가격의 10 %입니다 .


    About Japan. Tax Free Shop

    We are the Designated Shop.

    We have also been authorized by National Tax Agency through The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan as the Designated Shop for Tax Exemption Purchase for Foreign Establishments.
    You can purchase without consumption tax through the special procedure if you have your identification card to receive tax exemption published by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Please bring our store your ID and the tax-free-card with you.


    Guidance of retail store in Osaka

    Company Name Kyoei Sangyo Co., Ltd.
    Address 2-9-18 shibata kita-Ku Osaka-shi Osaka 530-0012
    Phone +81-6-6375-9701 : Japanese Operator
    Facsimile +81-6-6375-9703
    Regular Holiday Sundays, Saturdays and New Year's Holiday
    Business hours We are open from 10:00AM to 5:00PM on Monday through Friday

    About us

    Welcome to KYOEI website!

    KYOEI (The formal company name: KYOEI SANGYO Co., Ltd.) was founded in 1959, and enjoys a high reputation as one of the leading astronomical telescope retailers in Japan. KYOEI has two retail stores in Tokyo and Osaka, as well as a factory in Osaka manufacturing the observatory domes and our original products for professional and serious amateur astronomers.

    Retail store in Tokyo:
    Retail store in Osaka:
    Factory in Osaka:

    Kyoei-Tokyo is located at very convenient place in the center of Tokyo. Please stop by our store when you visit Tokyo for business or travel. The store is near Akihabara railway station, and is located with a distance of about 10 minutes by train from Imperial Palace and Tokyo railway station.

    Kyoei-Osaka is located at just convenient place where it's a several minutes' walk from Osaka Railway Station. Please stop by our store when you visited to Osaka city or other Kansai area including Kyoto, Nara and Kobe. Many railway lines can bring you to Osaka station within half an hour from these attractive cities for sightseeing.

    Kyoei-Dome is located in suburbs of Osaka city where is a distance of about 40 km or 25 miles from Kyoei-Osaka. We have started to manufacture the observatory domes in 1985 there. We have supplied a lot of observatories to the amateur astronomers, universities, National Observatories and other research organizations.

    All our three stores have their own website as above mentioned which leads you to our skilled staffs in each store. Our website is open twenty-four hours a day for your shopping.

    We are the Tax-Free stores approved by Japan Tax Office. You can purchase the products in our stores without paying Japan's Consumption Tax if you show us your passport and you are identified as non-resident in Japan. For your reference, please check the FAQs of the Tax-free shopping.

    ー For the international customers considering to visit our shop in Osaka.ー
    We will give priority to the customers with reservations. If you have any questions regarding technical issues, please contact us via email beforehand or we cannot give you the suitable answers. Please let us know the following issues via email in advance if you consider purchasing on our Osaka shop.

    Phone number:
    The items you will purchase:
    The visiting date:

    We can hold the “in stock” items for 2 weeks. Please contact us again if you couldn’t see any reply from us for a week after you sent an email

    for all customers visiting our physical store in Osaka

    for international shipping
    We accept PayPal for international shipping! Please send us an email.

    for domestic shipping in Japan
    We accept Visa and MasterCard in our webshop. Please add the items into your shopping cart.

    You can also purchase our products in the same condition through KYOEI-OSAKA website. For your information, please check the FAQs of international orders before placing firm order.


    Central DS社 60D-FMご購入のお客様へご案内 (再掲)


    下記シリアル番号を持つ CentralDS 60D-FM を探しています。





    連絡先 : 富山県警察本部捜査第一課  担当:竹林 TEL076-441-2211



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    大阪市北区芝田2丁目9-18 NITTO梅田ビル1F
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